Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Earn money for inviting your friends!

Beruby has a special promotion this month:

During the month of September:

  • For every friend who joins BeRuby, the user will receive 10p.
  • For every person that the members of your network invite (and join) to BeRuby, the user will also receive 10p.
  • To invite friends, simply log into register to Beruby and click on the “Invite” tab.


  • Your invites must confirm their email address after they have registered.
  • Promotion valid through 30 September 2009.
  • The commissions will appear in your account at the beginning of October.

Register Beruby! Find the location that suits you better.

Beruby UK/world 1 year online ( UK and Europe)

Beruby USA/world Beta version ( North America and Asia)

Beruby Spain/world 4 years online ( Spain and South America)

Beruby France/world - Beta version

Related links

+ About Beruby
Beruby tutorial - Beginners guide
+ Beruby June 2009 payment
+ Beruby - Start making money online
+ Beruby a successful expanding company

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

About Beruby, getting started

BeRuby is a home page that you can personalise according to your preferences and that shares its revenues with the users.

Having commercial agreements with hundreds of advertisers in the US, Europe and South America BeRuby pays you for your visits, registrations or purchases. In other words, you get paid for your usual activities in Internet.

The advertisers that BeRuby has agreements with are signaled with 1, 2 or 3 rubies, depending on the amount of the commissions they offer (1 ruby for the ones that pay less, 2, y 3 rubies for the ones that pay more). As a user, BeRuby shares with you 33.3% of the inflows that it gets from the advertisers through your activities in their sites.

BeRuby also pays you for the activities generated by your own network; you can enjoy one sixth of the comissions generated by the people you have invited to form part of BeRuby.

In total, BeRuby shares 66.6% of the proceeds gained from the advertisers with its users! It is amazing, isn’t it?

From May 2009, Blog BeRuby US pays one cent daily to all the users who have registered in the blog through BeRuby. What you need to do is just create an account and access the blog through the portal page.

Register Beruby! Find the location that suits you better.

Beruby UK/world 1 year online (recommended if you live in UK, Europe)

Beruby USA/world Beta version (recommended if you live in North America, Asia)

Beruby Spain/world 4 years online (recommended if you live in Spain, Europe or South America

Beruby France/world - Beta version